"After Bruce Lee Showcased It,
It Quickly Became...
Everyone's Favorite Weapon!"
Dear Friend,
I was six years old when I first saw Bruce Lee, in Chinese Connection, moving this weapon around.
I was so impressed that my dad gave me a small pair to practice with and I was hooked forever.
After Bruce Lee showcased the Nunchaku in some of his movies, there was an explosion in it's popularity.
So many people had them and were practicing outside, they were actually banned in Canada!
If you live in the US or other foreign countries, consider yourself lucky to have such a wide choice of Chuks.
Wood, Steel, Short, Long... the styles are endless.

Except for us here in Canada. For us, there's only one model allowed... Rubber!
I don't think you'll ever find a weapon that builds your hand coordination better than the Nunchaku. If you focus only on your right hand then it feels like you're missing a part of the puzzle.
As always we focus on practical application and some flash work. From flipping to switching, choking to using every part of the "Chuk" as a weapon, you'll see it all in this course.
Here's what I mean:-
The 6 Nunchaku grips... and how to master each!
The absolute #1 issue we stress... and the one you must too... when working with the Chuks!
There are very clear distinctions between flash... and efficiency. We'll show you how to identify those distinctions.
There's a very specific way to "chamber" this weapon and have it “re-bound” to generate incredible power! It surprising to most people... but not to you after you've seen it demonstrated in the Nunchaku Course.
How to make the Nunchaku your ultimate coordination builder!
The secret to doing “double attacks” with the Nunchaku... even though you only make a single move!
And here's more of what you'll see in this Nunchaku course:
How to master the advanced drills that create razor deadly, sharp-precision in every strike.
How to develop unwavering control that lets you easily smash an apple from the top of your partner’s head... without fear of harming them!
The one drawback when using the Nunchaku... and the proprietary drills you'll practice that guarantee it's NEVER an issue for you!
To truly master any weapon you must learn to use it in its “entirety.” It's critically important with the Nunchaku... and this course shows you how to make sure you can use every part of it for your self-defense!
Once you've got the basics from this course you're just beginning. Now you're ready to learn to wield the awesome power of... the double chuks!
And much, MUCH more...
I've specially priced the Nunchaku course at just $39.95C. And if you're like others who own this course, you'll find something new every time you watch it.
And something else you want to know. Since the video and picture above are of me using this amazing tool I feel a real responsibility in making sure the information in this course is the best you can find anywhere on the Nunchaku. That's why I'm personally guaranteeing your satisfaction.
Take whatever time you need to watch this course not just once but several times. Then if for any reason you're not totally hooked, just as I was years ago, then cancel it for a complete refund.
But I know once you've seen it, that's not going to happen. So go ahead and order today by clicking the ADD TO CART below.
Sibok Martin Patenaude