Flexibility - "How To Become As Flexible As You Were As A Child!"
"How To Become
As Flexible As You Were
As A Child!"
Discover the secret to doubling your flexibility...
in as little as 2 minutes!
Dear Friend,
You either start moving or your begin rusting.
It's as simple as that.
Like a tree you need to be pliable yet unbreakable. Without those qualities the tree would surely snap at the first gust of wind that would come its way.
And it's the same for us.
Movement is what stimulates your "synovia," the membrane that lines various bursas and that secretes lubricating fluid inside areas subject to friction such as your shoulder, elbows, knees, and hips. They commonly sit between tendons or ligaments and bone.
But what you want to know is that releasing this "synovia" can actually diminish nagging pain in shoulder joints and knees. And it's all the more reason to move and not sit around especially as you get older. Of course, be sure to ask your doctor's advice but we've found that almost everyone who moves is better off... regardless of their physical condition!
Remember, it's likely that movement got you into pain originally. And it's movement that likely can get you back out!
But the surprising thing to most people is that...
Starts In The Mind!
You have to first believe you can eventually touch your head to your knees, touch your toes, do a full-split, and kick over your head.
You must actually SEE yourself performing these feats of flexibility.
You also need to talk to yourself in a specific manner when stretching to guarantee results and to lock in past and present successes.
Then your body will do exactly what you tell it to do...
just as mine is doing in the picture beside (it's a bit hard to see since we're all in black in a darkened room but the guys are holding me up while I do a full split!).
Once your mind is set, then all you need is to focus on the physical drills required to give you quick results with minimum effort.
Stretching is easier than people think.
And our new Flexibility DVD series will prove it to you... instantly!
Video clips from the Flexibility DVD. |
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You'll quickly see how using just one concept, that of Positive-Negative Pressure, can...
Double Your Flexibility
In 2 Minutes Or Less!
And there are many, many others. Here are just a few...
There are 80 different ways to stretch and strengthen your entire body. You'll learn them all.
The surprisingly critical part breathing plays in you level of flexibility!
Why the positive–negative pressure concept doubles your flexibility... instantly!
The 5 best exercises that guarantee you a strong and pain-free lower back!
The reason stretching leads to relaxation... and most surprisingly... to perfect body alignment!
Why the common belief that stretching “cold” is bad for you... it 100% wrong! And why doing it regularly (and correctly) actually makes you MORE flexible... contrary to the common belief!
The KEY to engaging your mind that leads to massive improvements in mental toughness!
The critical WORDS to use while stretching... that will actually make you impervious to pain!
The 1 type of movement that can actually strengthen and add inches to your side split. Ignore it and you'll find yourself going nowhere fast.
Why active warm-ups can actually rid you of "cob-webs" before starting your workout.
The BIG question answered once and for all: do you stretch BEFORE or AFTER working out? The answer is definitive... and it just may surprise you.
How to keep your spine flexible and strong. It's the main corridor for your entire nervous system, and the driving force which controls every body and organ function. Yet it's also the part of the body IGNORED by almost everyone!
How to correctly use stretching to release stress... and invigorate your body!
Why and how the correct method of stretching leaves you feeling MORE aware and in control of your body!
The specific exercises that actual help with digestion, circulation and glandular function... and how to perform them correctly to gain their massive benefits.
And much, MUCH more...
In this DVD series you'll see the incredible results of 30 years of testing these techniques on 1,000's of students.
Following the same principles you'll see, our Grand-Master, who is well into his 50's, can still do a full split between two chairs!
You may be surprised to find that there is much more to our system than just exercises. We'll show you things you can do on the inside to achieve levels of flexibility you never dreamed were possible.
And if you're thinking it's too late, that you may be "over the hill", or maybe wishing you'd started training when you were younger, remember this: those are all just excuses. People who've chosen not to believe them have made huge strides with using the very program you'll get with this 3-DVD series. As you begin, you'll understand that you can, too.
On a last note, people often think older people are the only ones struggling with flexibility. Think again. We've seen a massive decline in the flexibility of youths as well.
All it takes is making small adjustments & training correctly and you can quickly be moving more freely and pain-free.
The FSD Flexibility DVD series consists of 3 DVDs and normally sells for $63.97C but during our pre-launch of this new website your investment is only $53.97C.
And you need to remember that, like everything we sell, we stand 100% behind this DVD. If it's not everything I've described and more then just return it for a prompt and courteous refund. And you're the one who decides. I trust you to do the right thing.
Grab your copy of this extraordinary Flexibility DVD series today by clicking the "Order Now" button below
Sibok Martin Patenaude